Terms of Use for Online Manuals

Please accept the "terms of use" below before using any of the online manuals* provided on this website.
(* Please note that the manuals are in PDF format, with a large file size.)

Terms of Use

1. Description of download service

You may not reproduce, alter, or transmit any of the online manuals provided on this website in whole or in part without the permission of Panasonic Corporation. You may only make one printout of an online manual downloaded from this website for the purpose of using our products.
This website does not provide manuals for all of the models that we have released. If you cannot find the online manual for the product you are looking for, then please directly contact the relevant service desk, which you can find in "the list of contacts for inquiries about tourist model warranties" on the warranty card, and buy a copy from them. However, please note that the manual for a particular product may not be available for any given reason, such as the discontinuation of the product itself.
Further, be aware that products whose manuals are provided on this website may not be available for purchase for reasons such as their discontinuation.

2. Description of online manuals

The online manuals provided on this website are basically electronic versions of the original hardcopies published at the time of product release. Therefore, company names, customer service desks, or other information contained in some may be different now. Furthermore, the product specifications in the online manuals provided on this website may be different now because of minor specification changes implemented after the initial release of the hardcopy versions. If the contents of an online manual provided on this website differ from the product specification description you have, then please directly contact your shop, the nearest Panasonic dealer, or the Panasonic-affiliated service company in charge. If a hardcopy manual supplied with the product was revised, we may choose to replace the initial version published at the time of product release with the revised version without notice on this website. However, this does not mean that every time a hardcopy manual supplied with the product is revised, its online counterpart provided on this website will be revised or updated.
In addition to the hardcopy manuals, some products may be supplied with supplementary printouts such as operation guides; however, please note that these printouts are not available on this website.

3. Safety precautions

Safety precautions you need to take when using the product are described in the online manuals or in separate hardcopy documents supplied with it, but information provided in such separate documents is not available on this website.
Safety precautions described in the online manuals may be changed when legal regulations are revised or it is otherwise necessary to do so. If you have any questions about the safety precautions for your product in an online manual provided on this website, then please directly contact the relevant service desk, which you can find in "the list of contacts for inquiries about tourist model warranties" on the warranty card.

4. Disclaimer of responsibility for any damage that may arise from your use of this online service

Please note that we will have no responsibility whatsoever for any damage (including damage due to data corruption, business interruption, loss of business information, or the like) that may arise from your use of, or inability to use, this online service, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damage or third-party claim for damages.

5. Termination or modification of this online service

Please note that this online service may be terminated or its contents or terms of use may be changed, without notice.

6. Inquiries

Manuals are for customers who actually purchased the products. Please note that we may not be available to respond to any inquiries about online manuals provided on this website from individuals who did not actually purchase the products.

Please accept these terms of use before using the online manuals.